How Qualcomm Device Cloud Automates your Appium Tests

When an automated job is submitted along with a test package and the application (Android APK):

  1. The device requested in the job is readied.
    • A new build is loaded onto the device.
    • The uploaded application is installed on the device.
  2. The Appium server is started with default capabilities relevant to the requested device's specifications.
    • It is recommended to not specify any desired capabilities in your Appium client that are related to the requested device as it will already be set on the Appium server as default capabilities. For example, automationName, platformName, platformVersion, deviceName, appPackage, appActivity, etc.
    • The default driver is UIAutomator2.
  3. The test package is unzipped:
    • Test dependencies are installed.
    • Tests are invoked with a test runner for the Appium client's programming language.
  4. Test results are collected in JUnit XML (also known as xUnit) format and are displayed in the job report page. The raw XML is also available in the job report's log viewer.